Sunday, November 22, 2015

Episode 25 - Cooperative Games

In this episode, we discuss cooperative games.  What makes them fun to play? Does it really matter if there's no single winner?  We try to cover all bases by talking about the various types of co-op games (and semi co-op).

The file can be found here:
Episode 25

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Episode 24 - Professional Wrestling

Professional Wrestling.  Andy and Neil discuss the athletic performance that is professional wrestling. Many people feel that it's just for kids, or for those who think it's 'real'. But what makes it entertaining to watch?

This episode can be found here:
Episode 24

Episode 23 - Nostalgia

How well do those shows that you loved as a kid hold up?  Is Krull still any good? How about Tron?  We discuss, and come up with some general themes which tend to hold up better than others.

This episode can be found here:
Episode 23

Monday, July 13, 2015

Episode 22 - Star Trek

In this episode, we discuss the various facets of the Star Trek franchise, focusing primarily on the different television series and movies. For the most part, we seem to be in least until we get to the rebooted J. J. Abrams films.

The file can be found here:
Episode 22

Friday, May 15, 2015

Episode 21 - Challenges in Running an RPG - Creating a Good Antagonist

In this episode, we talk about what is necessary to create a good antagonist (or villain) for your RPG.  What is an antagonist?  And how is that distinguishable from a villain?  Does the difference matter?  And how important is it that the villain have a voice like James Earl Jones?

The file can be found here:
Episode 21

Episode 20 - Superhero Television

In this episode, we discuss the recent spate of superhero television shows, especially the Marvel properties as well as the DC shows on the CW. This was recorded before Daredevil was released or the Supergirl trailer came out, so keep that in mind.

The file can be found here:
Episode 20

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Episode 19 - DC vs Marvel

In this episode, we discuss the competition between the two major comic companies, DC and Marvel. Unsurprisingly, we also talk about their properties in other media, such as television and movies. And why must DC be so serious?

The file can be found here:

Episode 19

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Episode 18 - Best (Board and Card) Game Ever

As a counterpoint to episode 15, we talk about the best board and card games...though we focus especially on our personal favorites. What makes for a good game?  Is it possible for a game to be good but not enjoyable? All this and more in our discussion.

The file can be found here:
Episode 18

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Episode 17 - Technical Inaccuracies

Tired of complaining about the technical inaccuracies in movies and television?  Nope, we aren't either.  Jen and Neil discuss some of the more egregious examples and consider why it happens in the first place.  And why do some examples from media get away with ignoring technical details entirely?

The file can be found here:
Episode 17